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Vol. IV,    No. 41      November 14 - 20, 2004      Quezon City, Philippines











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Message of Condolence to the Palestinian People on the Death of Yasser Arafat

By the International League of Peoples’ Struggle –

Philippines Chapter

Quezon City, Philippines

Nov. 12, 2004

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The ILPS-Philippines Chapter extends its deepest condolence to the Palestinian  people who have lost their long time-leader – Yasser Arafat.

Yasser Arafat was a symbol of the Palestinian people’s struggle against U.S.-Israeli Zionism which had wanted to seize the Palestinian territories for their dominance and rule.

Arafat and his people’s struggle exposed the systematic brutality  of  U.S.-Israeli Zionism which violated all tenets of  international, humanitarian and human rights laws against the Palestinian people.

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been massacred, mostly women and innocent  children and elderly, hundreds more summarily executed, gunned down brutally or tortured beyond their endurance, scores blown up to pieces, and other revolutionary leaders assassinated.

U.S.-Israeli Zionism’s violence goes unabated against the Palestinian people.

Thousands of Palestinian homes have been demolished in the name of U.S.-Israeli Zionism desire for control of the Middle East, a region that not only abounds

with billions of barrels of oil and other resources, but is populated by a people who are against U.S.-Zionism rule.

Furthermore, U.S.-Israeli Zionism has constructed separation walls that would annex precious Palestinian resources to the Israeli side, deny access to medical care and other services meant for Palestinians, confiscated peasants’ lands and used these for Israeli-Zionist settlements, and many more inhumanities against the Palestinian people.

Yasser Arafat was demonized because he led his people in the national struggle against U.S.-Israeli Zionism for more than 40 years. In his younger years, he was a guerrilla freedom fighter. Later on, he would receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

As the torch is now passed to the next leader of the Palestinian people, the ILPS Philippines Chapter hopes that this leadership would continue to fight for the Palestinian people’s continuing struggle for the right to self-determination and the right to return to their homeland.

Solidarity to the Palestinian Struggle for Home and Land!

Free Palestine Now!

Bring Down the Apartheid Wall Now!

End Israeli Occupation of Palestine!

Peace for Palestine! 


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© 2004 Bulatlat  Alipato Publications

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