Bu-lat-lat (boo-lat-lat) verb: to search, probe, investigate, inquire; to unearth facts

Vol. IV,  No. 37                                October 17 - 23, 2004                       Quezon City, Philippines

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This house in Sta. Cruz, Manila shelters no less than 18 families – each of them staying in a room two by three meters in size, all sharing the lone kitchen and toilet. Each family pays a rent of P50 ($0.89 based on a $1:P56 exchange rate) per day, which gives the owner a total of P27,000 a month. The residents are driven to fetch water from the sewer because the pump just beside the women doing their laundry doesn’t reach deep enough to give off clean water. That there are people in the Philippines who wouldn’t mind too much living where they don’t have enough space to even breathe properly speaks more than a mouthful about the gravity of the country’s housing problems.

 Photo by Dabet Castañeda/BULATLAT.COM

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