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Volume 2, Number 27              August 11-17,  2002            Quezon City, Philippines

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World Protestant Church Leaders Say ‘War
on Terror’ Must Not Subjugate Nations

World church leaders who met in Manila during the International Church Leaders Solidarity Summit last August 1 stressed that the U.S.-led "war on terrorism" must not be an instrument of subjugation.

By Ace Alegre 

"While we recognize the anti-human destructive force of terrorism as a threat to world peace, the so-called ‘war on terrorism’ should not be made an excuse by powerful nations in threatening the independence and autonomy of other countries and people," said the covenant signed by at least 35 head bishops of protestant churches all over the world.

Leaders of Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI), Episcopal Church of the Philippines, United Methodist Church in the Philippines, United Church of Christ in the Philippines, National Council of Churches in the Philippines, Episcopal Church in the USA, Church of North India, Old Catholic Church of Switzerland, Church of Sweden, Anglican Church of Australia, Old Catholic Church of Utretch in the Netherlands and the Church of Melanesia pledged to “bring into the eyes of the world’s peoples” the principle that "the cause of world peace will be served by upholding the values of mutual respect, sovereignty, territorial integrity and equality."

The covenant was signed during the IFI-led International Church Leaders Solidarity Summit at the Bayview Hotel in Manila on the eve of the IFI’s centennial celebration at the Quirino Grandstand. Thousands of IFI devotees from its dioceses nationwide converged at the Grandstand and joined the centennial celebration.

"Pro Deo, Pro Et Patria"

Rebel priest Gregorio Aglipay as Obispo Maximo (OM) was the founder of the IFI. The new church retained most of the Catholic rites but is independent from the church hierarchy in Vatican. IFI is the first Filipino church to “espouse marriage between love of God and love of country."

The covenant signed during the summit acknowledges IFI’s historic role.

"IFI brings a special gift to the world church.  It has retrieved the integrity of the Christian faith and witness in its passionate commitment to the service of the people and in keeping the church attentive to the burning issues of the day," the covenant said.

The church leaders also discussed during the summit the threats of economic globalization, particularly in the Philippines.

"We call on all people of faith and goodwill to consider the moral imperatives of justice and compassion in the face of increasing globalization and the threat of the domination of the poor that it poses. We commit ourselves to look for alternatives to the present dominating neo-liberal globalization," it said.

The covenant also called for the right to restitution from damages caused by colonialism, citing the example of IFI when it lost most of its properties and possessions because of the U.S.-controlled Supreme Court (SC) in 1906.

On November 24, 1906, the then SC decided that the properties of parishes that joined the IFI should be returned to the Catholic Church.  The U.S. high court upheld the decision in 1909. The SC decision forced some of the IFI members to also return to the Catholic Church. Bulatlat.com

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