Tags: US financial crisis

Through the generations, many of the Filipinos in Hawaii attained their dreams of greener pastures, and other Filipinos continue to go there in search of more decent opportunities. Their dreams, however, have been crumbling in the face of the financial crisis, which hit the US in 2008. They have not been spared from the effects of the crisis.

In a hearing which exposed failures by the government’s financial police, Congressman Stephen Lynch (D-Massachusetts) highlighted the existence of a “hotline,” which he said could be used by Wall Street firms to call off government inspectors. BY MAT RENNER Truthout INTERNATIONAL Posted by Bulatlat Washington, DC – In a hearing which exposed failures by the…

“The seriousness of this crisis is such that we cannot expect any solution within the system and certainly not from the US administration, certainly not from the G-20 because within that group, except for a couple of exceptions, is the dominant Washington consensus of the neoliberal agenda, ” said Michel Chossudovsky, a progressive economist and academician.

“In the Philippines, this crisis will be extremely severe because it is imposed upon an existing situation…of dependency, lack of sovereignty, crisis of the real economy, and poverty of the large majority of the population.”

The House of Representatives gave final approval on Friday October 3 to the $700 billion bailout for the financial system, reversing course to authorize what may be the most expensive government intervention in history. BY DAVID M. HERSZENHORN, The New York Times/Truthout INTERNATIONAL Posted by Bulatlat Washington – The House of Representatives gave final approval…

During its peak years, financial investment houses and banks reap profits at the expense of the “real economy” and the people. When they experience losses, history shows that it is the people, through their taxes, who carry the burden of rescuing them with the government’s bailout plans. BY BENJIE OLIVEROS ANALYSIS Bulatlat The rejection by…

Having produced only disastrous results, economic management can no longer be left in the hands of an elite corps of bureaucrats and technocrats who ape lock, stock and barrel models purposely to make corporate profits bigger at the expense of workers, farmers, and other marginal sectors. BY THE CENTER FOR PEOPLE EMPOWERMENT IN GOVERNANCE (CENPEG)…