Category: OFWs & Migration

Sepucuk Harapan (Isang Kislap ng Pag-asa)

Hari demi hari kulalui Dengan rasa sakit yang kualami Dimana ketenangan hatiku Dimana kedamaian jiwaku Dimana sukacita yang selalu memenuhi hidupku. Lenyap… Lenyap sudah… Keterpurukan… ketidakberdayaan mengganggu hati dan pikiranku. Namun… sepucuk harapan mulai tumbuh saat aku mengenalmu. Ketenangan.. kedamaian kembali kurasakan. Kau… adalah sahabat sekaligus guru bagiku. Darimu… aku banyak belajar dan berserah diri…

Filipino women as labor exports increasing

As Migrante summed it up, the widespread consequences of Duterte’s labor export policies and contractualization laws have generated more Mary Janes: women obliged to work abroad only to be baselessly accused of crimes punishable by death; or maybe, more Nanay Celia’s who have lost faith in a government tolerating such injustices.

‘Let her speak’ | Appellate court asked to reconsider decision barring Mary Jane’s testimony

The Honorable Court, the motion for reconsideration stipulated, “grossly ignored the extraordinary circumstance attendant in this case that puts Mary Jane Veloso under the exception instead of the general rule” in the strict application of criminal procedures in the Philippines.