An Unofficial Guide to Understanding the Socio-Economic Proposals of Filipino Communists

The most important peace document submitted by the National Democratic Front of the Philippines contains seven parts and is 82 pages long. Here’s a summary of the proposed Comprehensive Agreement on Social and Economic Reforms or CASER: The preamble links the country’s economic backwardness to its colonial history. But it also highlights the potential to…

Back-to-basics grassroots organizing in the time of Duterte

*Summary of my contributed essay to the worskhop organized by the Third World Studies Center of the University of the Philippines-Diliman and the Conflict Research Group of the Ghent University. The workshop’s theme is “Politics and Power in the Philippines: Towards a Contemporary Research Agenda” Political forces vie for national dominance but it is in…

Pure Maoism Doesn’t Exist in the Philippines

QUESTION EVERYTHING By Mong Palatino Like the sun that sustains life on this planet, it is Maoism that inspired the rise and spread of the National Democratic movement in the Philippines. That political slogans such as ‘Serve the People’ and ‘Learn from the Masses’ are still openly advocated by Filipino progressives today reflect the enduring…

What The Hague is CARHRIHL, CASER, and JASIG? An overview of Philippine peace documents

QUESTION EVERYTHING Mong Palatino CARHRIHL, JASIG and The Hague Declaration – these are important peace documents signed by the Philippine government and the National Democratic Front. If the peace talks will resume next month, the next agenda should tackle CASER. What is the meaning and significance of these terms? If these agreements are crucial…

10 things to know about the peace talks between the communists and the government of the Philippines

QUESTION EVERYTHING Mong Palatino 1. A civil war has been raging in the countryside since 1969. Landlessness, feudal exploitation, state brutality against the poor and marginalized – these are some of the issues that led to the formation of the New People’s Army. An armed force of the poor, by the poor, and for…

QUESTION EVERYTHING Mong Palatino In the hierarchy of political evils, single issue activism does not figure, and rightfully so. There’s less barbarism in the world because of the heroic work of individuals who never gave up fighting for their chosen advocacy in life. But we cannot deny the rise of a particular brand of…