Some VCMs do not record votes for Makabayan Senatorial bet Neri Colmenares

“These reports put to question the accuracy of the votes supposedly counted by the VCMs”

MANILA – Midday reports to Kontra Daya noted that some voters from different precincts in Manila and in Amulung, Cagayan, complained that votes for Makabayan Senatorial bet Neri Colmenares were not being recognized by the vote counting machines (VCMs). They said they voted for Colmenares but did not see his name in the printed receipts.

In Cagayan, a texter, Marilou Siit, told Kontra Daya her receipt did not reflect any of her senatorial votes. Meanwhile, her companion’s vote for Colmenares was credited to Liberal Party bet Leila De Lima in the receipt.

Ganni Tapang, co-convenor of election watchdog Kontra Daya, said these reports put to question the accuracy of the votes supposedly counted by the VCMs. (

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