Day: February 11, 2014

Master’s tools (Notes on cynicism, labor, finance capital, and the art industry)

The current economic crisis under global capitalism is worsening at a speed that even its most shrewd and sneaky economic managers have not succeeded in slowing it down. But its cultural managers scattered in key institutions still talk of the existing order as if it were a result of some divine ordination. For them, the present can only be deemed as the end of a historical progression that has reached its ultimate peak so that an alternative vision can only be a threat to civilization.

GUNITA NG SALITA Ni ROLAND TOLENTINO Ito ang pinakalaspag na salita sa anumang wika dahil kahit sino ay pwedeng gamitin ito–individual, kababaihan, LGBT, bansa, estado, kapitalismo, o global–at ano ay pwedeng tumukoy dito: chocolates, I-phone, bukangliwayway, sinta, magulang, martir ng bayan, o nasyonalismo. Ang pag-ibig ay nagkakaroon ng kabuluhan sa nosyon ng pagtutumbas sa…